Google Introduced Its First Game Controller Leave a comment

Gamers get to select their best provider and buy from a trusted brand. For the sake of compatibility, the best would be buying one brand right from the console to the game controller and the actual games. Your options just increased with the introduction of Google’s first game controller. Now gamers can buy the Google brand and select everything from the console to all the controllers that they want the game to have.

At the 2019 GDC Google unwrapped its Stadia cloud gaming platform — welcome to the future! The Stadia is Google’s current brag and this gaming platform has a game controller that is the invention’s boldest installation. The ‘yet to be tested vision of the future of gaming’ involves distributing and playing software in real-time over the internet. At the moment, we’re enjoying the beauty that is Stadia, but there are no full details around how it will work, the cost and all other details that might influence buyers’ decision. Keep reading to find out the little bit that we know about Google Stadia and you will fill in the rest from other online sources, or keep stalking the official Google site.

Best of Google Products

Google is one of the best international brands with presence in almost every corner of the world because well, they are Google. Although Google’s presence has always been big in the US, it shot to a new level of popularity when they introduced Google Assistant. Assistant is the equivalent of Apple’s Siri and works on voice commands when someone prompts any Google product. Out of curiosity and just to push their limits, customers started buying Google Products just to give Assistant voice commands.

  • Google already has a successful gadget section and international shoppers can shop Google store online and order to buy from the UK or USA through StoresRadar.
  • Google products can be synced online and controlled both online and offline from the owners’ account. It’s a matter of an individual’s preferences.
  • Google gaming accessories and equipment get new releases and editions every year, if you choose to become a faithful Google hardware user.

According to Google, Stadia is a result of years of work and is the result of streaming media and networking technology. This is an exciting concept that will not only leave Google as the Netflix of Gaming, but also result in a game platform for everyone. We couldn’t be more excited about the developments happening at Google!

The Google Game controller looks and sounds like an early beta of the future of gaming! Although Google unveiled Stadia cloud, the full details were not revealed. We only have the custom controller built by Google at the moment. That’s what we will focus on in detail while waiting for Google to reveal the entire composition of their Stadia cloud gaming platform.

Meet Google Stadia Controller

Good news, the Google Stadia controller looks and feels great! At this moment, we haven’t tried it out fully in gaming, but we have held it for the experience. The controller has texture and heft that is similar to the latest Xbox One gamepads. If you have the Xbox One S redesign, then you have a pretty good idea of what it looks like – just the thumbstick layout of Sony’s DualShock 4

The controller comes with a USB-C port strategically placed on top. There is also a 3.5mm headphone jack on the bottom, dedicated buttons to trigger Google assistant-powered voice features and capture video of the gameplay. If you check out Google’s website, you’ll discover that the controller seems to lean on the Konami Code sequence showing as a barcode label on the bottom of the device, just under the headphone jack. Those who were at the GDC discovered that the controls on show didn’t have any codes on them. Now it’s left with checking how the commercial version will work out in the future.

Benefits of Google Game Controller

  • Super-comfortable in your hands and fits like a glove inside the palm when a gamer is in play mode.
  • Excellent quality and is a hybrid between PlayStation Four and the Xbox One controllers. Check out the smooth edges and the way the sticks are positioned on the controller. If ever there was a perfect affair between the two gaming giants, then this Google Game Controller is the love child of that affair.
  • The future of gaming controllers is set, it takes after this Google Stadia controller in both functionality and aesthetics. Let your friends see you with the future in your hands before any of them can get access.

The Google Stadia controller connects directly to the brand’s platform via Wi-Fi. Now you have to search for where to buy Google devices online, in a way that it’s easy to pay for the product and shipping. If you’re interested in the controller, then check out the Google demo shown at the GDC stage that allows you to use the Assistant button on the gaming controller to get through the specific hurdles or a puzzle that’s troubling you at that moment.

The major advantage of the Stadia controller is the ability to launch into games found on YouTube’s Live Streaming platform and join in on anything that your favourite streamer is playing live at that moment. 

If need to buy from Google Store to your country, then you need to rely on StoresRadar to handle your shopping from the UK or USA to your country in Africa. The current vice president at Google, Phil Harrison, who is also a former Sony and Xbox exec, informed potential buyers that the controller connects directly to Google’s data centres instead of any specific screen you might be using. 

If you are connecting directly to Google’s data centre, then there is no need to re-sync the controller to the laptop when not playing on the TV. You can go ahead and budget to buy from the UK or USA because Harrison recommends pairing your controller with the Stadia network from a companion mobile app that first connects the controller to the local Wi-Fi network then to Google’s Stadia service. Your gaming history can be easily synced and stored between devices.

It’s not even a matter of Google controlling you and the way you game. Harrison revealed that should you wish to play using other gamepads, you’re free to do that because Stadia will support other gamepads. You will only miss the Google accessory services such as Google Assistant Integration. But for the most part, you will enjoy the best of the services. 

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